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Development halted. Table is in working state, but you should construct auth request manualy (look at radius_create_req() function in dict_radius.c).
RADIUS lookup table for Postfix =============================== Files ----- Makefile.in - patched src/util/Makefile.in (for Postfix 2.0.15) README - this file dict_radius.c - dict_radius source dict_radius.h - dict_radius header file dictionary.sandy - RADIUS server dictionary for Sandy attributes radius_vs_sandy.h - Sandy header file radlib.c.patch - patch for FreeBSD libradius to remove password field require sample-cfg.radius - sample config for radius lookup table sandyattr.txt - document for "SANDY RADIUS Attributes for Mail Authorization and Authentication" How to install -------------- Copyright --------- dict_radius (c) Andrew I. Baznikin (dikiy at scn dot ru) Sandy (c) Vladimir Dubrovin (vlad at sandy dot ru) AKA 3APA3A |