MUD-relaited stuff

log colorizer ANSI to HTML convering perl script

This Perl script is designed for converting ANSI-colored log-files to HTML format.

See Advantages & disadvantages section for comparison.


  • 15 Oct 2002 - fix for --optimise options (compiled .exe-version NOT FIXED yet!)
  • 26 Sep 2002 - Inintial release.


Perl script (require Perl), 3,962 bytes (tar.gz archive, 1,788 bytes)

Stanalone executable (does not require Perl)
log_colorizer.exe, 1,068,039 bytes (zip archive, 568,160 bytes)

Typical usage

prompt$ ./ < infile.log > outfile.html
prompt$ ./ --from infile.log --to outfile.html
prompt$ gunzip -c log-file.gz | ./ --title "My old logs"\
    --to outfile.html --charset koi8-r

Command-line options

prompt$ ./ --help
  --help, -h, -?        - this help screen
  --help-style          - show used CSS class names (to write your own one)
  --from, -f      - input ANSI file  (default: STDIN)
  --to, -t        - output HTML file (default: STDOUT)
  --optimise, -o        - optimise HTML file
  --title         - HTML page title  (default:"Colorized log")
  --codepage, -c  - set codepage for HTML file  (default: windows-1251)
  --style, -s     - file to get CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) from
			                            (default: built-in)

Advantages & disadvantages

There are some known analog scripts:

Size, bytes bylins.log (many colors) gwse.log (some colors)
Original log 565,408 [link] 503,143 [link]
log colorizer 750,010 412,597
log colorizer
(with --optimise option)
609,590 405,870
ansi2html 652,414 407,268
HTML::FromANSI not tested ;-% 9,823,262 ( !!! )
Amud_Html.exe 1,057,685 862,470

log-colorizer support more command-line options for customising output html-file.